Monday 21 May 2012

irrational number between two rational numbers (ashwini-iitian)


Guys , u all might be having trouble in doing some filthy calculations in those booring questions
of mathematics which are related to the pure mathematics like real analysis ...
               One of such question is like finding an  irrational number between two rational numbers . This question seems to be a question of a baby sitter untill the values are fixed , what !! if
I ask u to give me a general formulae  of finding an irrational number . if u want to know the difficulty
of the question then try it first .. don't see the solution !! 

( if  you are going to see the solution , u must read it matematics
 after watching out the solution , things seems to be obvious ... !!!!
 second thing is that beauty of mathematics lies in it's simplicitiy !!! )


   ashwini-iitian :
                let us assume two rational  numbers be A and B , if B>A
   then there exist an irrational number A+(B-A)/Pi  in between those two numbers !!!

proof :
           A+(B-A)/Pi < B ........... (1)
           A+(B-A)/Pi < A.............(2)
          and it is an irrational number as sum of ratioanl and irrationl number is irrational !
                                      hence , theorem is correct


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ashwini     black coat

from (jwahar navodaya vidyalaya hazaribagh )